About Me
I love people! And seeing them find their dreams then find a way to make those dreams become sets my soul on fire. In coaching, people’s “A-HA!” moments - the moments of bright-eyed revelations and inspired action - are exciting to me! When they have found a new tool, a new perspective, or a new direction that will help them get unstuck and move forward, I am grateful to participate in that journey. It is an honor to be along with them on their new path and celebrate their successes and growth along the way.
And when I am not donning my “Coach Hat”, you will find me wrapped up in my love of real estate, decorating, cooking, connecting within my community, volunteering, meeting with friends, and learning and discovering new hobbies. Being a passionate, inquisitive, and interested person, I happily find myself with a cup that runneths over with a multitude of magical things that fill my time.
My own personal journey has shaped me into the woman I am. I am grateful for this life and all I’ve been through. I feel extremely blessed and believe I am flourishing as a person and thriving on so many levels. I am excited to share my journey as I share in yours!